Renata Dal Pont Yoga Teacher
Certified yoga teacher
25 years of practice in: TriYogaFlows (Kali Ray), Vinyasa Yoga, Prana Flow (Shiva Rea), Power Yoga, Iyengar, Anusara + Hatha Yoga
Teaching style: Flow Yoga
Even at a young age, yoga exerted a magical fascination on me and accompanied me on my personal path. I quickly realized that yoga is more than just physical training. Yoga is the science of being in harmony and harmony with life. So I found a lot of good, healing and true content in life. Blockages in the body were released.
I was struck by the two poles of human existence: Ha and Tha. Ha means sun and symbolizes the rational consciousness, the active force. Tha means moon and symbolizes the subconscious, the passive force. Balancing these forces through physical exercises, breathing regulation and mental concentration allowed my life energy to flow in new ways.
TriYogaFlows - my main inspiration - came to me when I gave up my intensive search for the "right" yoga teacher training and continued to practice for myself. The concept of uninterrupted Flowing in harmony with the breath has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. Precise body alignment supports the natural alignment of the skeleton. The undulating movements of the spine keep it flexible. On this well-founded basis, the body relaxes in the flow of movement and the inner flow awakens.
TriYoga Teacher Training Basics up to Level 3, Diploma Yoga Alliance Intern., 600h (2004 - 2010)
Yinyasa Power Yoga Master Diploma Power Yoga Academy Germany, Yoga Alliance Intern., 200h (2012)
Chakra Vinyasa Teacher Training Shiva Rea (2013)
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Dev Kapil, Diploma Yoga Alliance 200h (2016)
Ongoing advanced training in yoga philosophy, anatomy, subtle anatomy, meditation and yoga nidra
member of Switzerland. Yoga Association
recognized by health insurance companies